Mediating Role of Work-family Conflict and Organizational Loyalty on relationship of Work Spirituality and Psychological Capital with Job Involvement

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Psychology and Counseling Farhangian University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Counseling Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran 4

3 M.A of Family Counseling , South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Job involvement is one of the most crucial job variables that is a fundamental factor in employees’ lives, and many factors play a role in it. The present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of work-family conflict and organizational loyalty in the relationship between workplace spirituality and psychological capital with Job involvement. The present study was descriptive and correlational. All male operational forces worked in the emergency department of Tehran in 1400. A multi-stage cluster random sampling method was used to select two hundred fifty people. We collected data using the Employee Loyalty Questionnaire (Lindgreen, 2004), Workplace Spirituality Questionnaire (Milman et al., 2003), the Job involvement Questionnaire (Shuffle and Singla, 2002), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Lutans et al., 2007), the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire (Net Meyer et al., 1996). We used Pearson correlation and Structural Equation Modeling through SPSS and LISREL. The results showed the direct effect of workplace spirituality and psychological capital is positive and significant on job involvement. The indirect impact of workplace spirituality and psychological capital on job involvement is substantial. The sum of the multiple correlations squares for Job involvement (0.43) and the variables of organizational loyalty and work-family conflict (0.26 & 0.20). Therefore, expanding organizational commitment and reducing work-family friction can be an excellent way to increase Job involvement in emergency department staff.


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