The Role Of Work Engagement In Relation Between Thriving At Work With Teaching Commitment, Job Satisfaction And feeling Of Belonging: Offering Bootstrapping Model

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Student of Psychology

2 Professor of Psychology


Aim: Thriving at work is the modern conceptual basis of positive organizational psychology. Having energy and interest in using knowledge and skills at doing job task is underling factor for promote job attitudes. Present study investigate the role of work engagement in relation between thriving at work on job attitudes; that job attitudes consist of teaching commitment, job satisfaction and feeling of belonging.
Method: The sample of research were 130 women teachers of Isfahan in high school that selected by cluster sampling method. Name of questionnaires are: Thriving at work questionnaire, Teacher Engagement Scale, teacher satisfaction questionnaire, teacher commitment, feeling of belongings questionnaire. In this study validity of questionnaires were shown with Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis with SPSS-20 and AMOS-20. Statistical results showed that the use of ML test method was Robust Maximum Likelihood.
Results: The results of Bootstrapping analysis showed good fitness of final model. This model confirm indirect relation between thriving at work and teacher’s job attitudes with presence of teacher engagement.
Conclusion: The findings support the necessity of investment to create enthusiasm and engagement among teachers as trainers of next generation in improving major job attitudes such as teaching commitment, job satisfaction and feeling of belonging. If energy and tendency to apply educational training (thriving at work) associated with motivation and positive cognitive-emotional affect (teacher engagement) can lead to attitude such as sense of pride and belonging and also commitment to teaching profession that their effect will be visible in the educational environments.


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