Compare the effectiveness of two methods of career counseling based on modern and postmodern theory on strategies of emotion regulation of teachers: cognitive reappraisal and suppression

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Allameh Tabatabai University

2 University of Isfahan


The aim ofthe current study was the investigation and comparison the effect of two methods of career counseling base on modern and postmodern theories on reappraisal and suppression as strategies of emotion regulation of teachers in service during school year of 2012-13 in Isfahan city.
This is a quasi-experimental study with Pretest-Posttest design with control group. 30 teachers were selected by using available sampling and randomly divided to two experiment and control groups (10teacher in each group). Data was gathered by using emotion regulation questionnaire and was analyzed by using SPSS-16 and analysis of covariance and LSD test.
Teachers in experimental groups participate in modern career counseling, seven sessions, weekly
The results showed that both modern and postmodern career counseling have significant effect on reappraisal (P


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