Psychological Characteristics and Performance in Entrepreneurs

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


University of Isfahan


Entrepreneurship development in any country is one sign of economic prosperity. We should consider the interaction between entrepreneurship and context to reach sustainable entrepreneurship. In Iran, we have conducted several studies about analyzing the context and entrepreneurial outcomes of the economic system; however, comprehensive research needs to be undertaken about an entrepreneur’s characteristics, which is a critical factor in sustainable entrepreneurship. The present study explores entrepreneurial individuals’ unique characteristics (including psychological, value, and performance characteristics). For this purpose, we collected the published academic papers on entrepreneurship using a narrative review method. After reviewing the criteria for entering the present study, 62 published academic papers were included. We categorized the findings into personality, performance factors, and values. A narrative review of the literature showed that there is a consensus among researchers about many of the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have acquired some meta-competencies that provide them with actions that lead to career creativity.


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