Identifying and explaining Proactive career behaviours to improve employability of employers using fuzzy Delphi method

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 management faculty associate professor, Lorestan university,

2 management faculty professor, Lorestan university, Khorramabad, Iran

3 Ma gratuated in management, Malayer Azad university, Iran


Identifying and explaining Proactive career behaviours to improve employability of employers using fuzzy Delphi method

Today, due to the large number of unemployed graduates and the large number of students in the country, job seekers need proactive career behaviours in order to improve their employability. Therefore, it is important to take a strategic and forward-looking approach to ensure employability and finding the job for future job seekers. The purpose of this study was to identify and explain proactive career behaviours to improve employability of job seekers in Iran. This study is a mixed research based on qualitative and quantitative researches and is a type of deductive research. The statistical population of the study consists of human resources specialists who were selected by snowball sampling method and based on theoretical competence principle, 30 of them were selected as sample members. In the qualitative part, data gathering tool was interview and in the quantitative part questionnaire was used, whose validity and reliability were confirmed by CVR index and Kappa Cohen test and content validity and test-retest reliability, respectively. Qualitative data were analyzed with Atlas.ti software and coding method and quantitative data were analyzed by Delphi Fuzzy method. The results show that the most important proactive career behaviours to improve the employability of job applicants are having strategic thinking, a clear and realistic perspective, change skills, problem-solving ability, knowledge-based innovation, Dynamic learning capabilities, cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence.

Keywords: Career, proactive career behaviours, Job Seekers, Fuzzy Delphi Method.


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