The role of self-efficacy mediation, Job's motivation, Job's satisfactory, Job's wear (fatigue) and time management in related to mental health and Procrastination in Education organization

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 - PHD student in educational management

2 Responsible author ,professor

3 Assistant professor


The purpose of presented research was to investigate self-efficacy mediation, job's motivation, job's satisfactory, job's fatigue and time management in related to mental health and Procrastination in Education organization. So that 400 persons of teachers, managers and administrative expert are selected with the sampling method proportion to volume. For gathering (collecting) information, Safariniya and razlighi's organizational Procrastination (1390), Right's Job's motivation (2004), Maslash & Jackson's Job's fatigue (1985), Sharer self-efficacy (1982), Field and Roth's Job's satisfactory (1951), Libund and libund's mental health (1995)
And Queen and colleague's time management (1990) scales are used. For investigating study's variables, coefficient of regression line and analysis of structural equations path are used. The results of analysis revealed that in level (P < 0.05) there is negative relationship among self-efficacy, Job's satisfactory and mental health with negligence and there is positive relationship among Job's fatigue with Procrastination. Also determine coefficients indicative that 42% of Procrastination changes explain through changes of mental health, self-efficacy, time management, Job's satisfactory, job's motivation and job's fatigue, due to significance of the quantity of the q-square model (P > 0.05), it can concluded that model fitted with research's data.

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