This study aimed to determine the effect of perceived injustice on peak experience. Research method was quasi-experimental and research statistical population was the employees of two industrial companies in Isfahan city, among them two groups of seventy-two (first set) and fifty-six (the second set) persons were selected based on demographic characteristics matched and then were randomly assigned to two groups, justice and injustice. The research instruments consisted of two scenarios for the manipulation of justice and injustice, and the peak experience questionnaire (Bakker, 2008). Data were analyzed using independent sample t test (to determine the effect of the applied manipulation) and multivariate analysis of variances (MANOVA). Results of independent sample t test revealed that two scenarios manipulation of justice and injustice have significant impact on the perception of justice and injustice. The results of multivariate analysis of variances in two studies (In the first study in immersion and absorption there was no significant difference between the two groups) revealed that there is a significant difference between justice and injustice groups in absorption, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation along with total of peak experience (p
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Golparvar, M. , and Abdoli, F. . "The Effect of Perceived Injustice on Peak Experience: Evidence from two Independent, Quasi-Experimental Study", Career and Organizational Counseling, 8, 29, 2016, 29-49.
Golparvar, M., Abdoli, F. (2016). 'The Effect of Perceived Injustice on Peak Experience: Evidence from two Independent, Quasi-Experimental Study', Career and Organizational Counseling, 8(29), pp. 29-49.
M. Golparvar and F. Abdoli, "The Effect of Perceived Injustice on Peak Experience: Evidence from two Independent, Quasi-Experimental Study," Career and Organizational Counseling, 8 29 (2016): 29-49,
Golparvar, M., Abdoli, F. The Effect of Perceived Injustice on Peak Experience: Evidence from two Independent, Quasi-Experimental Study. Career and Organizational Counseling, 2016; 8(29): 29-49.