Relationship of Self-efficacy and Resiliency with Efficacy of High Schools Managers

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 M.A

2 Ph.D


Abstract: The present research aimed to investigate relationship of self-efficacy and resiliency with efficacy of high schools managers in Kermanshah city. This research according to its aim is applied, and in term of descriptive is correlation type. The statistical society of research were about all of the high schools managers of ministry of education, branch of Kermanshah city 44 men managers and 50 women managers in scholastic 2014 – 2015, that according to the category of random sampling method,
model by volume of 76 individuals are selection. For data collection, the researcher has been used questionnaires of general self-effectiveness of Sherer and collaborators (1982), Konner and Davidson's resiliency (2003), and Parson's efficacy. In order to reliability of questionnaires of research, the researcher has been used alpha Cronbach method that for self-effectiveness, resiliency, and efficacy,
respectively 87%, 91%, 95% obtained. Also, for analysis of data, the researcher have been used the Pierson's coefficient of correlation and Regression's analysis Method. The results of regression analysis show that the variables of self-effectiveness and resiliency have the ability to forecasting of efficacy variable. Also the results show that there are significant relationship between selfeffectiveness
and resiliency with efficacy But the effect was not significant between male and female managers. It
is proposed to increase the effectiveness of executive education organization of events such as workshops and the use of psychologists and counselors to strengthen selfefficacy and resilience of action.

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