A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurial Psychological Correlations in Iran

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Ph.D university of Isfahan, Isfahan. Iran

2 Ph.D. university of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran.

3 Ph.D. university of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran


Abstract Aim: The main purpose of this study was to Meta-analyze the entrepreneurial psychological correlations in Iran. Method: The method of this research is meta-analysis. Therefore, internal databases such as Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Noor Database and Information Science, and Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc) were studied. The study sample used 36 cases that were conducted in Iran from 2008 to 2017. The measurement tool of this research was a meta-analysis checklist. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using the effect size method for the fixed effects model using meta-analysis software (Second Edition). Result: The results showed that the average effect size of the present study was evaluated according to the Cohen effect size interpretation table and between behavioral factors, ambiguity and tolerance status, innovation, psychological characteristics, quality of work-life and citizenship behavior, social anxiety, and self-confidence, emotional intelligence, growth of personality traits, selfleadership, quality of life, knowledge management and organizational health, job conflict, cognitive intelligence and tolerance of ambiguity, self-efficacy and academic performance, social capital, self-esteem, and creativity, thinking styles, achievement motivation, academic achievement and creativity with entrepreneurship have a significant effect size. Conclusion: The results mean that by recognizing and examining the correlated psychological components of entrepreneurship, practical steps can be taken to change individuals' performance and attitude, thus increasing the continuity of entrepreneurship in Iran.


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