Purpose:In a world where every year millions of jobs lost because of changes in technology and millions of new jobs to be created, employment and increased productivity for the job to one of the most important issues has become. Since the Career without Borders and varied career path as an important factor in increasing the productivity of work have been identified, This paper explores the motivation and goal orientation on career path Without Borders has been varied career path. Method: The purpose of this study, in terms of approach and the nature of the causal-effect, in terms of data collection methods, descriptive and in terms of the type of data is small. The target population included all managers participating projects Mapna to 414 people. The sample size was calculated using the formula Cochrane 201. Results: Four hypotheses of this study were tested using factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the research indicate that the tendency to learning has a positive and significant effect on a diverse career path and job path without borders, and thus a diverse career path and a career path without boundaries include the development of skills and the tendency to learn helps people to To develop and strengthen the skills required in the work environment. The results also showed that the tendency toward performance has a negative impact on a diverse career path and career path without borders. The main concern of individuals is to ensure that success is attained in the current job and that learning is not important. Concerns about job preservation may tend to maintain stability and help to provide job security. People with a tendency to work may be due to experiencing job insecurity Look for organizational stability.
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Sepahvand, R. , , arefnezhad, M. , and shahsiah, N. . "The effect Motivational goals orientation in the protean and boundary less careers (Case Study: Iran Power Plant Projects Company (MAPNA)", Career and Organizational Counseling, 11, 39, 2019, 29-52. doi: 10.29252/jcoc.11.2.29
Sepahvand, R., arefnezhad, M., shahsiah, N. (2019). 'The effect Motivational goals orientation in the protean and boundary less careers (Case Study: Iran Power Plant Projects Company (MAPNA)', Career and Organizational Counseling, 11(39), pp. 29-52. doi: 10.29252/jcoc.11.2.29
R. Sepahvand , M. arefnezhad and N. shahsiah, "The effect Motivational goals orientation in the protean and boundary less careers (Case Study: Iran Power Plant Projects Company (MAPNA)," Career and Organizational Counseling, 11 39 (2019): 29-52, doi: 10.29252/jcoc.11.2.29
Sepahvand, R., arefnezhad, M., shahsiah, N. The effect Motivational goals orientation in the protean and boundary less careers (Case Study: Iran Power Plant Projects Company (MAPNA). Career and Organizational Counseling, 2019; 11(39): 29-52. doi: 10.29252/jcoc.11.2.29