Multi-level model of Antecedents and consequences of career resilience in Workplace

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


shahid chamran university of ahvaz


Purpose: The purpose of the current paper is to examine Antecedents (self-efficacy, Emotional Stability and organizational socialization) and consequences it (career success) on career resilience
Methods: This is a descriptive-survey. The target population included 17000 employees of 20 petrochemical companies in Mahshahr special economic zone. In this study, Chen, Gully, and Eden (2001), Li Yan (2008), Taormina (2004), Liu (2003) and Gattikar & Larwood (1986) questionnaires were used to measure variables of Career resilience, Self – efficacy, Emotional Stability, Career success, Organizational Socialization.
Results: In the individual level, Self-efficacy and Emotional stability had a positive effect on career resilience and also career resilience had a positive effect on career success. In the organizational level, organizational socialization had a positive effect on career resilience which is at the individual level. The mediating role of organizational socialization between self-efficacy and career resilience and also between emotional stability and career resilience were confirmed. It was also found that organizational socialization plays a moderating role between self-efficacy and career resilience as well as emotional stability and career resilience.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed the importance of personality factors and organizational factors to enhance the resiliency of employees and subsequently their career success. It means petrochemical companies should have strategies and plans to help their employees enhance career resilience through organizational socialization plans and personality factors.


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