Designing and testing a model of some personality and organizational antecedents of proactive behaviors with mediating role of motivational states National Iranian Drilling Company

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 student

2 Associate Professor


This research aims was to design and test a model of some personality antecedents (proactive personality, learning goal orientation, openness to experience)and organizational antecedents (transformational leadership and psychological climate) of proactive behaviors with mediating role of motivational states of reason to ( intrinsic motivation) can do (self-efficacy, psychological empowerment) and energized (positive emotions). The study population included all employees of National Iranian Drilling Company in 2017. A sample of 420 persons was selected through stratified random sampling for testing the study hypothesis. Proactive Personality (Seibert et al, 1999), learning goal orientation (Button et al, 1996), Openness to Experience (McCrae & Costa, 1992), transformational leadership (Carless et al, 2000), psychological climate (Koys & Decotiis, 1991), proactive job behavior (Parker & Collins, 2010), Self-Efficacy (Rigotti et al, 2008), psychological empowerment (Spreitzer, 1995), Job Motivation (Blais, 1994) and Positive Emotions (Watson et al, 1988) questionnaires were used to collect the data. For data analysis, structural equation modeling with AMOS-22 was used. Based on the results, the final model has a good fitness. Also, finding indicated that antecedents have an indirect effect on proactive behavior by mediating role of proactive motivational states. Based on the results, to improve the proactive behavior in organizations, suggested that a suitable psychological climate and transformational leadership style will be ruling in organization. In addition, developing the learning goal orientation, self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation can increase employee proactive behavior.

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