Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
Second generation of Myers-Brigges type indicator can represent an efficient alternative in high school career assessment. This Study aimed to develop a measure for assessment of high school students personality based on second generation of MBTI. For this mean a measure was designed and its psychometrics were examined in 2 steps. First, using explanatory calculates and calculate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) by in access-randomly selecting a sample of 507 Isfahanian high school students (259 girls & 248 boys) from 240 items 156 items in structure of 20 subscales were represented for this measure. Second, calculating of data from a multi-state sample of 956 high school students (493 girls, 463 boys) using of Cronbach’s alpha, principal components analysis and Pearson’s correlation showed proper reliability (r>0.70), construct validity (efficiency of factor structure), and predictive criterion validity (in predicting scores of interest and self-efficacy types) for this measure. In order to representing a proper norm for this measure, its descriptive statics were calculated across sex and academic majors. Other results were discussed.
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(2016). Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.. Career and Organizational Counseling, 8(28), 113-151.
. "Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.", Career and Organizational Counseling, 8, 28, 2016, 113-151.
(2016). 'Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.', Career and Organizational Counseling, 8(28), pp. 113-151.
, "Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.," Career and Organizational Counseling, 8 28 (2016): 113-151,
Adolescence’s MBTI II: A Measure for Assessing Personality in According to 2th Generation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.. Career and Organizational Counseling, 2016; 8(28): 113-151.