In order to examine the pattern of relationship between 5 dimensional model of time perspective and work hope, an in access-random sample of 514 junior high school students (240 boys, 274 girls) was selected and demographic questionnaire, work hope scale, and Zimbardo time perspective inventory were performed. Results of structural equation modeling showed that five dimensions of time perspective accounted 47% (R=0.69) of variance of work hope. Results of canonical correlation analysis showed that in frame of 1 canonical variant by a canonical correlation of 0.65, a pattern of low scores in future, present-hedonistic, and positive past, and high scores in negative past and present-fatalistic represented best combination in accordance to low levels in 3 dimensions of work hope (by 42% of variance). In sum, results supported from utility of time perspective particularly balanced time perspective in career development practices. Other findings were discussed.
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