Employee’s Performance Management System Pathology at Isfahan municipality Based on Teachings of NahjAlbalaghah

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Employee’s performance management can affect the performance of employees and subsequently the performance of the organization, Therefore, it should be considered as an important process in the human resource management system of organizations. The objective of the present study is the pathology of the current performance management system of Isfahan municipality Based on Teachings of NahjAlbalaghah. The research is based on a mixed method. First the literature reviews of the studies related to the subject was evaluated and then related concepts and indicators to the employees’ performance management were extracted through thematic analysis. The Islamic management experts’ viewpoints were collected and changed in case of necessity via interviews and questionnaires. A questionnaire was designed to assess the degree of the model governance in the quantitative part of the study after extracting performance management model, and they were then distributed among extracted samples from the statistical population, i.e., 15 zones of Isfahan municipality. The sampling method has been clustered random sampling method in the quantitative part in a way that it was attempted to distribute the questionnaires among all organizational levels of Isfahan municipality staff. Therefore, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the aimed statistical samples and 262 ones were completed and collected. Finally, through data analysis from the questionnaires, the distance between the status quo and ideal condition in the organization under study (Isfahan municipality) was evaluated for each of the dimensions and indicators separately and some suggestions were offered to improve the present performance management system of the organization.


Main Subjects

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