Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on job performance with roles of identity and job involvement. Methodology: This study is an applied one and is descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. To collect relevant information from the library-field method and four standard questionnaires including Transformational Leadership Questionnaires Bass and Aulio (2000), Paterson Job Performance (1963), Salanova et al. (2002) Job Inventory and Cheney Organizational Identity Questionnaire (2002). Content validity method was used to determine the validity of the questionnaires and Cronbach's alpha reliability was 0.931, 0.915, 0.933, 0.939, respectively. This is a questionnaire. According to the purpose and the subject of the research, the statistical population of this study consisted of 243 employees of Tehran's 2nd district municipality and 149 persons were selected through Cochran formula by simple random sampling. Results: Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the variables such as mean, standard deviation and variance, and demographic variables such as gender, age and educational status. It was used for inferential statistics and structural equation modeling using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of Smart PLS 3 software. Conclusion: The results showed that transformational leadership affects job performance with mediating role of organizational identity and also transformational leadership influenced job performance with mediating role of job involvement. Therefore, it is suggested to improve employees empowerment by choosing transformational leadership style. Proper productivity, improved job performance,
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rajabi farjad, H. , and farkhojaste, V. . "The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Roles of Identity and Job Involvement", Career and Organizational Counseling, 13, 3, 2021, 91-110. doi: 10.48308/jcoc.2021.100626
rajabi farjad, H., farkhojaste, V. (2021). 'The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Roles of Identity and Job Involvement', Career and Organizational Counseling, 13(3), pp. 91-110. doi: 10.48308/jcoc.2021.100626
H. rajabi farjad and V. farkhojaste, "The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Roles of Identity and Job Involvement," Career and Organizational Counseling, 13 3 (2021): 91-110, doi: 10.48308/jcoc.2021.100626
rajabi farjad, H., farkhojaste, V. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance with Roles of Identity and Job Involvement. Career and Organizational Counseling, 2021; 13(3): 91-110. doi: 10.48308/jcoc.2021.100626