Designing a Strategic Model for Compensation in Yazd Regional Electric Company

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Ph.D. Student of Business Management, Department of Management, University of Isfahan

2 Faculty of University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Unversity of Isfahan


Aim: The main Purpose of this article is to design a strategic model for compensation in Yazd Regional Electric Company.
Method: In this research To collect qualitative data Interview was conducted with 15 managers of different levels in the company and Grounded Theory was used to analyze the data. CVR and CVI were used to validate the questionnaire and Cronbach alpha showed the reliability of it.
Results: Results show that consideration of both financial and non-financial aspects of compensation is one of the important points that managers and officials should pay attention to.
Conclusion: To get the advantages of compensation system, employees’ needs and their participation in designing compensation system is vital. Also updating compensation system according to the situation is so important. The Board of Directors plays a significant role in employees’ efficiency and effectiveness through subscribing guidelines.


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