Identification and assessment of Effective Factors and consequences of managers' self-efficacy with resonant leadership role in knowledge-based organizations
Self-efficacy as one of the most important mechanisms of influence on one's own and one of the most important constructs of positive organizational behavior has been studied less in the field of organizational issues. The aim of this combined research in the first stage, with qualitative research strategy, identifies the components and dimensions of self-efficacy of the managers of knowledge-based organizations and its influential factors, as well as the implications and its impact on collective self-efficacy of employees. This has been done using three coding steps and with the help of the Atlas Quality Assurance Software. Also, the role of important and effective categories on the self-efficacy as the resonant leadership is considered. In the second stage, the relationships of exploration pattern elements in the form of two models of measurement and structural equations have been quantitatively tested using SPSS and AMOS software. For this purpose, a researcher-made questionnaire was distributed among 204 managers of research companies of Isfahan science and technology town. The results of the test represent the confirmation of all the hypotheses as well as the adequacy of the conceptual model of the research.
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abesy, S. , , ghandehari, M. T. , , alvedari, H. , and hozoori, M. J. . "Identification and assessment of Effective Factors and consequences of managers' self-efficacy with resonant leadership role in knowledge-based organizations", Career and Organizational Counseling, 12, 44, 2020, 161-186. doi: 10.52547/jcoc.12.3.161
abesy, S., ghandehari, M. T., alvedari, H., hozoori, M. J. (2020). 'Identification and assessment of Effective Factors and consequences of managers' self-efficacy with resonant leadership role in knowledge-based organizations', Career and Organizational Counseling, 12(44), pp. 161-186. doi: 10.52547/jcoc.12.3.161
S. abesy , M. T. ghandehari , H. alvedari and M. J. hozoori, "Identification and assessment of Effective Factors and consequences of managers' self-efficacy with resonant leadership role in knowledge-based organizations," Career and Organizational Counseling, 12 44 (2020): 161-186, doi: 10.52547/jcoc.12.3.161
abesy, S., ghandehari, M. T., alvedari, H., hozoori, M. J. Identification and assessment of Effective Factors and consequences of managers' self-efficacy with resonant leadership role in knowledge-based organizations. Career and Organizational Counseling, 2020; 12(44): 161-186. doi: 10.52547/jcoc.12.3.161