Designed to promote the productivity of employees in organization: role of psychological capital

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


payam-e-noor university


Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological capital is improving employee productivity TABAS Coal Company.
Methods: Due to the nature and objectives this applied research and correlation method is used to run it. The study population consisted of staff in 2015, is a TABAS coal company. 200 questionnaires completely and accurately research the answer and it was scored. To collect the data, psychological capital Luthans (2007), job preference questionnaire Amabayl et al. (1994) and questionnaire labour productivity a chive model by Hersey and Goldsmith (1980) was. To analyse the data in inferential statistics, correlation coefficient and stepwise regression and path analysis were used.
Results: The results showed that psychological capital efficiency across all aspects of the job and there is a significant positive relationship. The results showed that motivation in the relationship between psychological capitals with efficiency plays a mediating role of job.
Conclusion:To increase productivity in organizations in the category of hope,optimism,resilience and self-efficacy workshops designed and implemented by experts


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