Ranking career adaptability dimensions and proposing an aggregated index based on previous studies , a meta - analysis study

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


azad islamic university garmsar iran


The purpose of this study is to rank the four dimensions of career adaptability using meta - analysis approach . The present study is descriptive and in terms of usage is an applied research .The ultimate goal of this study is to combine the quantitative findings of previous studies in the field of career adaptability using meta - analysis to combine these results , the effect size of each factor affecting the degree of career adaptability is calculated by the average effect . Accordingly , referring to the quarterly journal of internal and external research , all relevant internal and external studies were collected and analyzed among 2005-2018 . Among all these studies , according to the census method , the number of internal and external research studies done in the field of the four dimensions of career adaptability are 18 and 34 studies which are selected by using checklist selection , the research method , appropriate statistical test and appropriate statistical analysis .For the reliability of the recognition based on the jury agreement regarding the use of specific concepts for coding variables as well as the reliability of the effect size and the agreement in calculations , the agreement in the calculations has been done . The results of this research show that among 124 calculated effect sizes ,one effect size is average(0.3-0.5),twenty effect sizes are average to high (0.5-0.7),thirty effect sizes are high(0.7-1) and seventy three effect sizes are very high(above 1).
Career adaptability dimensions including career confidence,career curiosity,career control and career concern respectively have highest to lowest effect size.


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