Formulation of effective factors model on Employee's Envy Using DEMATEL and ANP technique

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Industrial Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 , Assistant Professor ,Faculty of Management

3 PhD student in Human Resource Management, , kharazmi, University, Tehran, Iran


Employees' enviousness is one of the most significant issues in working environments, which exerts a considerable influence on their feelings. As a negative feeling, enviousness has not adequately been paid attention to. The purpose of this research was to identify and prioritize the effective factors (individual and organizational) on employee envy. This research is developed-applied in terms of purpose and categorized based on the nature and method of descriptive group. Also, based on the type of data, it can be considered as a case- survey one. The statistical population of this research is 10 academic and organizational experts with experience in human resources or education degree related to human resource management and organizational behavior. According to the literature and research background, 19 factors (personal and organizational) were identified as factors affecting employees' envy. Subsequently, using the multi-criteria decision making DEMATEL techniques, 14 factors were firstly accepted as the most important factors by using DEMATEL technique. In addition, ANP method was used to prioritize factors affecting the envy of employees accepted by DEMATEL method. The results showed that in individual dimension, negative social comparison in the first rank, conscious cognitive assessment of other’s better future in the second rank and awareness of other’s abilities were put in the third rank. Also in the organizational dimension, low level of fairness and justice in organization ranked first, performance evaluation ranked second and leader-member interaction ranked third.


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