An ethnographic analysis for standpoint toward employment (Case Study PhD students in Business Management of Allameh Tabataba'i University)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Student of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran


The present study, with an interpretive approach, seeks to explore Standpoint toward employment among Ph.D. students in Business Management. The applied research approach is a qualitative methodology used by ethnographic method for research. The data of this study were collected using document analysis methods, participant observation and open and semi-structured interview techniques and then combined with triangulation technique. Using a purposeful sampling method and theoretical saturation index, 18 Ph.D students in Business Management of Allameh Tabataba'i University were selected as the sample of the study population. Thematic analysis was also used to analyze the information and the conclusions from the research findings. Findings show that eight types of employment are identifiable for these individuals. In terms of students, collaborative research activities with professors, recruitment, free employment, entrepreneurship and knowledge societies, counseling, teaching, financial support for institutions and a combination of types are considered to be students of Ph.D. in Business Management. The other results of the research are that some students have a positive attitude towards employment while studying, have a positive attitude, some have a negative attitude, and others have an impartial attitude. Of the eight occupations identified, the attitude towards the employment status of the job and the negative free occupation, the combined situation according to its conditions, and its diversity are defined with a neutral attitude and attitude towards the other five positions of employment, positive and appropriate to the student's conditions.


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