The relation between empowering structure in schools with teachers career satisfaction and schools efficiency in elementary schools in Qarchak.

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 young researchers and elite club islamic azad university Garmsar branch

2 Secretary of Education of Qarchak city

3 Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad Branch

4 Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch


Undoubtedly Teducational organizations are one of the organizations which is handling the great responsibility of formal education in the society. Therfore stablishing a clear understanding of structures in efficient schools is an essential prereqruisite for developing logical strategies for improving schools.Current research is aimed determining the relation between empowering structure in schools with teachers career satisfaction and schools efficiency in elementary schools in Qarchak.The correlational and descriptive research method is used and research population includes all elementary schools teachers in Qarchak in academic Year 2016-2017.Based on Morgan sampling table 269 tearchers are considered as research sample.Random sampling is used and three standard questionaires including empowering structure questionaires,career satisfaction questionnaire and schools efficiency questionnaire are used inorder to collecting data.Pereson correlational test,one sample T test and linear regression test and SPSS software are used for data analysis.Pereson correlational index findings reveals that there is a significant relation between empowering structure in schools with teachers career satisfaction and schools efficiency at 0.01 level.Also school empowering variable is demonstrating 19% of schools efficiency variable.Based on the overall findings ,empowering structure of schools plays a prominent role in teachers and staffs career satisfaction and schools efficiency as an influencing factor as well.


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