Investigation of psychometric properties of the Employee Well-Being Scale

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


This study aimed to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of Employee Well-Being Scale of Zheng, Zhu, Zhao & Zhang (2015). For this purpose, 201 employees of an industrial company in Bushehr were randomly selected and completed questionnaires. The instruments of research contained Employee Well-Being, Job Satisfaction, Positive and Negative Affect, Affective Commitment, Job Performance and Turnover Intention scales. The internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha and correlation of each question questionnaire with total score of the scale showed acceptable reliability. The validity of the employee well-being scale was confirmed through multiple ways. First, confirmatory factor analysis showed that three-factor structure of this scale is good. Second, the results of convergent and discriminant validity showed that employee well-being scale has a significant positive relationship with job satisfaction and positive affect and a significant negative relationship with negative affect. Third, the results of predictive validity indicated that employee well-being was able to predict job satisfaction, affective commitment, turnover intention and job performance. In sum, the results showed that the Employee Well-Being Scale is a valid and reliable scale for measuring Iranian's employee well-being.


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