Relation Ship Between Communication Skills, Responsibility and Emotional Regulation with Mental Health at the Empeloee of Melli Bank

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 psychology

2 Assistant Professor of Guilan University, Human Sciences and literature College

3 Associate Professor of Guilan University, Human Sciences and literature College


Aim: this research is about the relationship between communication skills, Responsibility and Emotional Regulation with Mental Health at the Employee of Melli Bank.
Methods: Study population included all the employee of Melli bank in Bandar Anzali city(134). The study sample consisted of 97 subject were selected by random cluster sampling and Then they were administered Communication Skills Questionnaire (Jerabek,2004), CPI-Re Questionnaire, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Gross & John (2003) and Mental Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The data were analyzed using Pearson correlational coefficient, stepwise regression analysis, independent t test, and one-way analysis of variance.
Results: The result show that communication skills(understanding verbal and nonverbal message, emotion regulation and assertiveness) was positively associated with mental health and communication skills( listening and being aware of communication) was negatively associated with mental health. between Responsibility with Mental Health, reappraisal and suppression as Emotional Regulation components had negatively associated with mental health.
Conclusion: The result of the research showed that although reappraisal is significantly negatively related to mental health prediction; Responsibility, understanding verbal and nonverbal message, and assertiveness are significantly positively related to predict Mental Health. Based on the findings of the study, communication skills training, emotion recognition, and teaching their dispensation management lead to increase employees' health and make higher efficiency organization.


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