Measuring organizational citizenship behavior: Design questionnaires based on latent trait theory

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


The aim of this paper was to use the existing research literature on the concept of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and its components is a questionnaire designed to measure organizational citizenship behavior, and then put it in the framework of the psychometric properties of the estimated latent trait theory (LTT). First, a conceptual model with two-dimensional orientation OCB (Organization for Cooperation and orientation orientation developer-protecting) design that includes six factors: conscientiousness, sportsmanship, civic virtue, promising, personal development and commitment to ethical principles. Then, based on indicators introduced in the model, a 15-question questionnaire was written. After collecting data, the slope parameters, parameter threshold intersection response classes, Information function and reliability of the questionnaire were analyzed using graded response model (GRM). The results showed that the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were very acceptable and Favorable. Made questionnaire in this study can accurately differentiate between the organizational citizenship behavior and let them measure the level of civic behavior.


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