Identifying and determining healthy leadership strategies based on occupational well-beingTheory of strategic reference points

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD , Department of Public Administration, School of Management and Economics, Research and Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student, Department of public Administration, School of Management and Economics, Research and Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran .

3 Professor, Department of Public Administration, Shahid Satari University, Tehran ,Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


In today's era,considering human resources and its issues such as reducing work-related stress and paying attention tothe well-being ofthe leader and his followers is of particular importance.These issues lie inthe healthy leadership.Considering that the theory of healthy leadership based on strategic reference points has received less attention in past research and the alignment of its actions based on reference points has been investigated.In this research,the design of a healthy leadership framework with on occupational well-being based onthe theory of strategic reference points in public companies ofthe electricity industry is discussed.inthe qualitative section of the research,the Grounded theory and content analysis strategy were usedto design the framework.the strategy of the research,the grounded theory method was usedto design the framework.For this purpose,in-depth interviews were conducted with19executive experts in state-owned firms and university experts who were combining purposefully,judgmental and snowball sampling methods selected.based on the reference points framework of healthy leadership with on occupational well-being,welfare and well-being approach with follower-based leadership strategy,behavioral approach with goal-based leadership strategy,leadership style with active-based leadership strategy and environmental approach with interactive leadership strategy are aligned.Healthy leadership withon occupational well-being,the results showed that healthy leadership with on occupational well-being based onthe theory of strategic reference points includes a set of internal and external factors whose Their effective management can lead tothe Maintain and improve the performance ofthe organization inthe long run.Finally ,the results showed that healthy leadership with on occupational well-being in state-owned firms is a multifaceted phenomenon that can be used to produce positive and valuable results.


Main Subjects

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