The mediational pathway among integrationist intelligence and vocational interests with academic achievement of special lessons in high school students

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch


Aim: The aim of this research was investigate the role of integrationist intelligence in vocational interests with mediated by academic achievement of special lessons among students. Method: This is a descriptive-analytical study and from type of structural equation modeling. The population included all high school students at the mathematical, experimental and humanistic fields of Urmia city in 2015-16 academic years. Totally 370 person were selected by multi-step cluster sampling method and completed the analytical intelligence’ scale (Gardner, 1983) and vocational interests’ scale (Holland, 1985). The average of special lessons of mathematical, experimental and humanistic field considered as an indicator of academic achievement. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling methods from type of path analysis. Findings: The findings showed integrationist intelligence has a direct positive and significant effect on academic achievement at the special lessons. Academic achievement at the mathematic, physics, chemistry and biology lessons has a direct positive and significant effect on all aspect of vocational interests (include realistic, social, investigative, enterprising, artistic and conventional). Academic achievement at the islamic studies, arabic, english and persian literature lessons has a direct negative and significant effect on social, enterprising and conventional aspect of vocational interests. Also the integrationist intelligence with mediated academic achievement at the mathematic, physics, chemistry and biology lessons has an indirect positive and significant effect on all aspect of vocational interests. In addition the integrationist intelligence with mediated academic achievement at the islamic studies, arabic, english and persian literature lessons has an indirect negative and significant effect on social, enterprising and conventional aspect of vocational interests (p


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