Process mining of Intelligently temporary turnover; Case study

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 management faculty associate professor, Lorestan university,


Aim: The process of Intelligently temporary turnover is about two examples. Method: The current research is a research with a qualitative approach. Case study is used to conduct research and theme analysis is used to analyze data. In order to increase the credibility of the research, the triangulation method environmental(Conducting two interviews at different times with each person), data(documents, focused interview, direct observation and participant observation) and analyzer(One of the colleagues of each case and one of the employees of the Human Resources) and the reliability method inter-coder agreement are used. Results: 98 codes, 30 sub-themes and 9 main themes have been identified. Conclusion: The main themes of Intelligently temporary turnover are the backgrounds of success, personal flourishing, showing off, deterrence, career networking, learned helplessness, temporary turnover, heroic return and career success. If the human resource managers do not take effective measures in the development of the career success, the employees will start working; In this way, networking and non-working behaviors will grow a lot in the organization. Obviously, in this case, employees have not taken steps in line with organizational goals and will seek to maximize personal benefit in any way.


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