Analysis of the Underlying Factors of Marketing of Higher Education in Applied Academic Centers with regard to the Impact of Brand Personality (Case Study: Applied Scientific Centers of Esfahan)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Ph.D student university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Ph.D .university of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran


The aim of this paper is to identify the underlying factors affecting the marketing of higher education in applied science and the relationship and brand image that can affect these factors. Accordingly, a model for the marketing of higher education in these centers is presented. Qualitative research method That is done using the Foundation Data Theory. The researcher conducted a semi-structured interview with the directors of the scientific-practical centers, marketing experts and students of science-applied science centers with purposeful theoretical saturation to collect data. Afterwards, for the analysis of the data, the extracted propositions were coded, combined and categorized. The results of the research showed that since the choice of scientific-practical university and the decision-making process are important issues that are strongly influenced by the brand's brand identity, The interviewees introduced two categories as the basis of the instruments, which include factors influencing choice and sources of information for decision making.


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