Comparison of the effectiveness of metacognition-based training program (MCT) and self-compassion-based mindfulness on nurses' resilience to stress in the Covid-19 epidemic

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Student in Counseling and Guidance, Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Psychology, Tehran North Branch, lslamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of metacognition-based educational program (MCT) and self-compassion-based mindfulness on nurses' resilience to stress in the Covid-19 epidemic. Method: The design of the present study was a quasi-experimental design of pretest-posttest design with non-equivalent control group with quarterly follow-up. The statistical population of the present study was all nurses of Shahriar Social Security Hospital in 1399-1400. 60 nurses were selected and randomly substituted in three groups. Which includes: 20 people for metacognition-based training program, 20 people for compassion-based mindfulness training program and 20 people for control group. The Connor and Davidson Stress Resilience Questionnaire (2003) was used to collect data. Data analysis was performed using repeated measures mixed variance analysis and spss24 software. Results: The results showed that metacognition-based training program (MCT) and self-compassion-based mindfulness have an effect on nurses' stress resilience in the Covid-19 epidemic (p˂.05).Both methods were stable compared to the pre-test stage (p˂.05)Also, the comparison between the two interventions showed that the sustainability and segregation of metacognition-based educational program (MCT) is more than compassion-based mindfulness (p˂.05).


Main Subjects

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